Check the pdf version of my CV here.

Research Interests

Meta Learning / NLP / Algorithmic Game Theory / AI for Healthcare
The list is by means not exhaustive, as I am always open to dabble into new areas 🚀.


Research Experience


Undergraduate Thesis


Teaching Assistanship

Conferences & Summer Schools Attented

Achievements and leadership

Technical Skills

  1. Programming Languages    C | Python | HDL
  2. Frameworks          Flair | KTrain | learn2learn | HuggingFace
  3. Libraries             Keras | Tensorflow 2.0 | PyTorch
  4. Systems/Platforms        Git | Bash | Linux | CentOS
  5. Markup Templating       HTML | CSS | Jekyll
  6. Data Visualization       Seaborn | Matplotlib
  7. Miscellaneous Softwares/Tools Latex | MATLAB | RPi | CADFEKO